Receiving Broker Description:
What best describes you?
Do you personally practice mostly? Buyer agency Seller agency Both Neither
Choose One Exclusive Buyer Agency Services-Broker or Licensed Owner Exclusive Buyer Agency Services-Manager Exclusive Buyer Agency Services-Agent Offer Mostly Buyer Services-Broker or Licensed Owner Offer Mostly Buyer Services-Manager Offer Mostly Buyer Services-Agent Offer Both Seller & Buyer Services-Broker or Licensed Owner Offer Both Seller & Buyer Services-Manager Offer Both Seller & Buyer Services-Agent Offer Mostly Seller Services-Broker or Licensed Owner Offer Mostly Seller Services- Manager Offer Mostly Seller Services-Agent
In the past 3 years, what % of your business was working for sellers?
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Professional designations held. Please use acronyms
This will help us Match you with your Ideal Client:
Due to market conditions, you generally cannot accept a buyer referral below this price range:
Houses $0 <100K 100-150K 150-200K 200-250K 250-300K 300-400K 400-500K 500-600K 600-800K 800-$1M Over $1M
Condos/Townhomes $0 <100K 100-150K 150-200K 200-250K 250-300K 300-400K 400-500K 500-600K 600-800K 800-$1M Over $1M
Land $0 <100K 100-150K 150-200K 200-250K 250-300K 300-400K 400-500K 500-600K 600-800K 800-$1M Over $1M
Please tell us about market trends and average-priced homes/condos in your area:
SkyFor/Brokerage AGREEMENT between SkyFor, Inc. and
SkyFor generates and screens both buyer and seller real estate leads. SkyFor makes email and phone contact with prospects to screen them for motivation and qualification. SkyFor shares one or more broker profiles with prospects, who then choose which broker might best meet their needs. SkyFor forwards referral information to broker offices via email and voice notification.
Company agrees to provide real estate services to prospects referred by SkyFor according to the highest applicable professional standards. Office will not re-refer prospects and will immediately inform SkyFor if it cannot serve the prospect’s needs. SkyFor reserves the right to refer the prospect to other homeowner service providers. Company agrees to respond back to SkyFor HQ within 24 hours if it already has the prospect from another source, and within 48 hours with the following information: 1) a statement that the referral is accepted or not 2) status of contact with the referred consumer and 3) provision of monthly status reports on all active referrals.
Company agrees to provide SkyFor, Inc. referral fees upon one week of closing of a sale or purchase. These fees are based upon the buyer or seller’s-side commission or fees.
Company agrees to include documentation that verifies commission received and mail these items to 7652 Gartner Rd. Ste 230, Evergreen, CO 80439. Contact Us if you have questions related to referrals or payments. You may also call us at 303-670-0246.
Referral fees: Buyer referrals under $200K: 15%; Buyer referrals over $200K and all listing referrals: 25%; All referrals outside of the US: 25%.
Referral fees for the MA and CO state associations of buyers agents are that which is agreed upon between Skyfor and the association. Broker Cottone does not cover Cambridge but could assist on the sell side for Brookline.
Company understands that its name may be removed without notice from the SkyFor referral list. Company retains the right to decline any prospective referral sent by SkyFor by providing written notice within time lines specified above and including reason and/or proof of prior contact.
By submitting this form, you agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement.
My representations in this profile and other representations made in connection with this profile are true and correct. I agree to inform SkyFor of any changes in information provided on this profile. I understand that membership may be denied by SkyFor, Inc. now or in the future. In the entire home buying process, I will be trustworthy and will provide protection and negotiations to the highest applicable level for my real estate prospects.
By checking this box, I agree to the certification above – 2025/03/31
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